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Thrive in Silence

Last scene I have been making during my time off on my laptop.

It was a nice opportunity to put some things I learnt past years into something more personal. Sometimes growth is hidden, patiently doing its work in silence, waiting to shine in the light. I guess that is what this picture is all about ?

Technically wanted to make everything procedural from the columns to the placement of trees, ivy and leaves scattered around the scene. I may use this setup to explore more illustrations and mood later since I have the flexibility to change any parameters/features may as well have some more fun !

Big thanks to Redshift (runs so fast on my laptop...even volumetrics OMG !), SideFX and Speedtree for their support. Love these guys, will definitely develop more content around them very soon ! stay tuned for some tutorials and free tips. ;)

"Thrive in Silence" / Redshift Render

"Thrive in Silence" / Redshift Render

AOVs for compositing rendered with Redshift

AOVs for compositing rendered with Redshift

Tree design development in speedTree.

Tree design development in speedTree.

Tree lookdev with redshift.

Tree lookdev with redshift.

Floor and vegetation lookdev, displacement is revealing more or less water. Geometries bellow water got some of its diffuse absorbed by water.  + procedural scattering test of leaves around the tree. and ivy growth created with Houdini plugin IvyTaming.

Floor and vegetation lookdev, displacement is revealing more or less water. Geometries bellow water got some of its diffuse absorbed by water. + procedural scattering test of leaves around the tree. and ivy growth created with Houdini plugin IvyTaming.

Main procedural structure for archway and dome modeling.

Main procedural structure for archway and dome modeling.

Procedural ceilling following the structure established by archway

Procedural ceilling following the structure established by archway

Scene viewport, columns are instanced and display as a box to save memory on my laptop

Scene viewport, columns are instanced and display as a box to save memory on my laptop

Scene viewport 02

Scene viewport 02

Scene viewport 03

Scene viewport 03

Corridor in background with fully procedural torch model  fitting the archway.

Corridor in background with fully procedural torch model fitting the archway.

Node graph of archway , ceilling, dome and columns.

Node graph of archway , ceilling, dome and columns.