FOR FULL COMMERCIAL (HOUDINI FX) AND STUDIO LICENSE CHECK OUT : https://orbolt.com/asset/AdrienL::AL_advancedScatter
Sharing the project files of my tutorial for SideFX Houdini "Ultimate Terrain Workflow:"
Message me if you have any requests or questions, I'll be happy to help.
This pack include :
- organized hiplc file / houdini 18 (indie license ONLY) with geo, mantra shaders, lighting, tools.
- .obj files export of generated terrains : 16 low resolution mesh / 16High resolution mesh
- 30 maps / Corresponding textures for erosion, occlusion, height on each tiles.
- 14 HDA / Tools to facilitate terrain workflow (Include a network example) :
AL_advancedScatter : Ever dream of scattering trees, rocks, easily inside of houdini ? This tool is made for you. Slope, Height, custom object or attribute distribution. Control over density and scale on each features.
AL_terrain_exporter : Split terrain in specified tiles, move UVs to corresponding UDIM tile and export terrain layersas texture map. (experimental build)
AL_terrain_loader : Load split terrain or single terrain automatically. Option to switch between lowres/highres model.(experimental build)
AL_snow_attributes : Generate snow attributes for procedural shading.
AL_water_attributes : Generate water attributes (Wetness, Beach, Waterlevel) usefull for procedural shading and scattering.
AL_smooth_variation : Apply a smooth filter driven either by noise or by a specific attribute.
AL_heightfieldmask_intersection : Generate a mask at the intersection of the object in second input.
AL_heightfieldmask_invert : Simple node to Invert heightfield mask.
AL_heightfieldmask_border : Generate a mask at the edges of terrain. Useful to normalize the edges.
AL_heightfield_border : Control soft borders of a terrain turnede into a mesh.
AL_dunemaker : Generate a dune model based on a curve plugged into the first input.
AL_attribute_contact : Generate an attribute based on the contact/distance of the second input.
AL_attribute_noise : Add a basic noise to a specified attribute
AL_delete_by_volume : Delete geometries by specified volume size. Usefull to get ride of small geoemtries/artefacts or isolate them.
AL_fog : Generate volume fog from camera
Don't hesitate to send me feedbacks, I will improve the tools or clarify things accordingly as I am using and experimenting with them. :)
All the benefits are fully invested into a SciFI shortfilm I am creating during my free time. Your contribution is very valuable !