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Blender Tutorial : Photorealistic Material Creation

Blender 2.82 now supports UDIM, figured could be interesting to try this out and make an introduction to realistic material creation. :)
I am here explaining the different steps and methods to achieve it. :
- setting up lighting
- mcBeth Charts
- UDIM explained
- setting displacement, adding detail to base color, use masks to drive roughness, metallic, bump.
- generate a layer of dust in cavities

To do so I teamed up with Chunchun Yang who made a tutorial about texture painting in Mari :
She is responsible for the model, uvs and textures and I made the shading/rendering part in Blender. Be sure to check out her tutorial, some really great tips for texture painting. ;)

You can download the tutorial files for free if you wanna have a try, link in video description.

Blender 2.82 Tutorial - Photorealistic Material Creation

Blender Cycle render / Turntable A - Studio

Blender Cycle render /  Outdoor test

Blender Cycle render / Outdoor test

In the video I'm using my lapras pokemon as an example to check Blender 2.82  ability to load multiple texture tiles on heavier mesh. Works fine !

In the video I'm using my lapras pokemon as an example to check Blender 2.82 ability to load multiple texture tiles on heavier mesh. Works fine !

Showing realtime displacement

Showing realtime displacement

Showing how to generate dust in model cavities by breaking up the occlusion distance with noise textures.

Showing how to generate dust in model cavities by breaking up the occlusion distance with noise textures.