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Speedtree tutorial : Shape your Imagination

Tutorial / 05 February 2024

Hi there,

Today I propose to embark on a botanical journey with me as I dive into the creation process of "Nuclear Garden's" vegetation .🌿

Combining here my curiosity for science with my art skills to prepare a radioactive twist to a power plant's cooling tower. 🌐💡

In this video, I'm breaking down the intricacies of SpeedTree's main feature that helped me shape this idea.

Technically I always love to approach things in the most procedural way, so I can easily iterate on my work, and allow complex changes in the push of few parameters. Speedtree is perfect for that when it comes to vegetation generation. 🌳✨

I will later share my approach for the procedural tower itself using sidefx Houdini.  Stay tuned for more content !=D

Houdini : Procedural Neogothic : 01 Towers

Tutorial / 15 November 2021

Frozen World - Blender Tutorial

Tutorial / 04 July 2021

Just published a new tutorial, a very short and easy one this time. :) 

Talking here the importance of aerial perspective in environment creation and how to implement something similar in blender using some procedural tricks.

Hope this help !

SideFX Houdini / 9 Tricks to master procedural Environments

Tutorial / 26 April 2021

Hi everyone !

Past month I tried to participate in a Houdini daily challenge, Mardini. Finally having some time to go through my scenes and reveal some of my modeling secrets to create procedural environments in no time.


Mardini DAY 7 / STONE - Procedural Art

Tutorial / 08 March 2021

Sharing the process of my contribution for today's #sidefx Mardini challenge : NATURE | STONE.
The video isn't narrated, running out of time unfortunately.

Maybe you could still find some interesting procedural tricks in there.. Overall it's the same spiel than all my other tutorials, just taking advantage of Voronoi fracture here to establish the foundation of my procedural setup.

Project files available for free, link in  youtube description.

I will try to keep participating if I have time. Especially this week, the theme is Nature and I love it ! More information about the contest here :

Come join the fun ;)

Landscape Design - Full process in Houdini

Tutorial / 16 February 2021

Kinda missed Valentine's day but never too late to share some learning love <3
Demonstrating a lot of things we saw in past tutorials like terrain creation, blending megascan material, atmospheric lighting but also a bunch of new tricks.

If you bought my AL-Tools re-using those in this tutorial and featuring some upgrade coming soon. Hope this help ! 

SideFX Houdini / Redshift - Environment lighting / From Ideas to final Image

Tutorial / 01 February 2021

Hi ! 

Sharing here my workflow for Environment lighting and atmospheric effects within sidefx Houdini. 

A bit of VEX to setup the fog VDB but nothing scary ;)

 Using  "Dreamland" for demonstration, a scene I developed last year which was based on a ride of an abandoned park in Japan.  Using Redshift for rendering but can definitely use any engine to follow this principles. (Mantra, Renderman etc...)

Hope this can help  :)

MysticTowers - Zbrush map export to Redshift

Tutorial / 28 December 2020

Hi Everyone, Here is a short bonus tutorial, production oriented. Originally a Patreon request about clarifying displacement. 

I think this may as well benefit some people on my channel.  

- Generate quick UVS within Zbrush 

-Export 16bit/middle gray displace 

-Export 32 bit exr displace 

- Export normal maps  

Also note that even if you don't use Zbrush to bake displacement and normal maps, the last half of the video can still be useful to understand displacement technics in general. In what situation should you use either 16 or 32bit ? Well it's your choice, we use both in production. I would say 32bit tends to be more accurate but also heavier so if you are limited in ressource and have a lot of those 32bits with multiple UDIMs, be careful with memory management. 

By the way  I am making a 30% off discount on most of my gumroad products  until 4th of January : Use promocode "AL2021" at checkout. 

Happy Holidays !

Realistic tree workflow / Full process / SpeedTree - Houdini - Redshift

Tutorial / 07 December 2020

Happy Monday ! 

Just released a course about tree workflow


This video that summarize the big steps of the tutorial :


A big part is dedicated to create a procedural wind system in Houdini (no dynamics / simulations), which I often find helpful to quickly bring some life in the model. No need of fancy workstation I did the demonstration with a gaming laptop. ;)

The full length video is available here at the symbolic price of 1$.


Hope this can give some insights. 


SideFX Houdini - Beginner Series - Pumpkin Hell / Part01

Tutorial / 23 October 2020

 You've been a lot to ask for beginner friendly tutorials about Houdini... I figured it's October, let's make pumpkins !  

So in this "Pumpkin Hell" tutorial I am finally taking the time to talk more in detail about procedural modeling .. I usually try to explain my thoughts process as much as I can, but going slower and deeper this time so hopefully should help if you are still fairly new with Houdini procedural. 

But don't get desperate if you can't totally grasp everything yet...  there's a reason it's called "pumpkin hell" . A lot of information in one hour and I still picked a pretty challenging topic for beginner... So let me know if you have any questions I'll try to answer. 

Carving pattern used for this tutorials can be downloaded on : 

Project files are available for my current official patreons on the discord server. 

IMPORTANT : if you are a new member you'll get only access to the rest of your pledges at the beginning of coming month (patreon policy). Just keeping video tutorials visible whatever the pledge in meantime.  

 In the next video we'll explore Solaris in houdini 18.5 to lookdev and create a stylized render for our pumpkin. 

Hope this help !